Wednesday, January 25, 2012

patience is HARD!

having patience is harder then i thought!!! i'm more on top of my game with this school then i have been with anything else! so i currently have nothing left to do till i start. every time mail comes, i hope its from AMDA so i can have something to do! or an email, or a phone call! anything! i mean yes, im practicing my sight singing, and going over my monologue and song...but its just not enough! i need people. direction. coaching. growth. community. i need to be blooming! i need constant progression to be my life! i want to improve every. single. day!! if i improve 1% each day - by the end of the 365% better! so imagine what will happen when i improve more than that a day!? BEASTY! i'm ready for that title. im ready for the work its going to take to get there. and when it happens? it will be GLORIOUS! i believe so much in myself im amazing myself! i know where im at, and i know where i want and need to be. and i know that when i get there, i'll have the next goal to reach! there is NO such thing, as being your best. of course you can always GIVE your best - but remember,  constantly giving your best will just cause you to get better. &thats where i'm headed. 100% in all and everything i do. no half-stepping. no matter how tired | how sore | how sick | how annoyed  or how frustrated - my 100% will go toward my craft. reaching my goal. and LIVING MY DREAM. 

nothing can hold me back.