Tuesday, December 27, 2011

guesss whaatttt?!!! :)!!

got the call from them today!! I'M IN!!!! :D

how sick is my life?! Jesus ROCKS! as you guys know, i was expecting it, buut at the same time i was on and off with my faith! today was a really hard day for me because i was doubting EXTRA HARD! doing my best to keep the faith! and look what happened! the Lord came through!! HE is more than faithful!

i was with my brother walking through the mall when the call came, i saw that 212 number and i went into an empty store and almost lost it! haha! i was sooo HAPPY! about to start shouting, crying, doing laps, LOL - the MOST! the things they said the admissions director and adjudicator thought about my audition and my file just confirmed that this is where i am supposed to be! i am READY to take this on full force! i know that it wont be easy - but it WILL be WELL WORTH IT! 

this is only the beginning!! as my blog says its from AMDA to Broadway, and Broadway to my Tony! i made The American Musical and Dramatic Academy - (that just sounds like it was made for me don't it?!) and i cant wait to take it on will full force as it prepares me for my future! this is my calling. what i was MADE and BUILT to do! you WILL see me on Broadway! expect nothing less! Jesus is on my side! i wont let him down! BEAST MODE! lets gooo! 

Friday, December 16, 2011

thankful!!! :)

i would just like to say i am SO very blessed by my Lord and Saviour! He is too faithful and i am SO thankful for where he has placed me!! 
i just want to say i am constantly surrounded by people who are negative. and who tell me that being on broadway is an impossible task. and that i should quit while i am still young, so i don't regret what i get my degree in. PAH! i don't know who those people take me for. but OBVIOUSLY they don't know me! i don't really need them in my life, (even though i would LOVE for them to stick around so i can prove em wrong! hehe) because negativity it NOT something i want to be surrounded by...
...thats why i'm grateful that the Lord paced me somewhere that i am not surrounded by negativity, its just in my life. its something you cant escape! but i have a really great family and group of friends that are so supportive! they believe in me! they know i am capable and that my passion cannot die! and as much as i channel the negativity into inspiration, having a support group is always amazing! my brother just came home and randomly said to me: "i think you're gonna make it. i have a really good feeling about it!" that pushed me that much more:):)!!! 
so my advice is to find an amazing support group! if you don't already have one. although the haters can help give you that push, when  the going gets tough - you are going to need a few people you can turn to, to let you know its not the end! that it's not over! that Jesus is still on the throne as king, and there's NOTHING he cannot do! :)

feeling super inspired at the moment!! stay encouraged LOVIES! :) 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Stage Name ideas?

alright, soooo i have been thinking about what my stage name would be. i think my real name is amazinngg, but its DUMB long. so i want your guys' thoughts!! help me out?? 

my name: elizabeth gabrielle caesar 

...has a great ring to it right?! lol, but i don't know... help me out lovies! feel free to post and comment your opinionsss!! :) :) 

hey lovies, back again. :):)

i'll try to make this blog NORMAL length as opposed on STEROIDS length. haha. i'm sorry, i just have so much to say!! 

i would just like to say that waiting to hear back from AMDA is ridiculously stressful. well, not stressful, but i have dreamt about the admissions director EVERY NIGHT since saturday. haha. smh. wild crazy! but, that just the proof about how often its on my mind and how much i NEEED this! :) 

as some of you may know, i got to see Wicked yesterday!! ahh!! and i must say it made my LIFFFEEE. best broadway show i have yet to see! an ive seen a few! every time i see an amazing broadway show, it just reminds me that there is NOTHING else i would rather do with my life, then to spend it doing musical theatre! it really COMPLETES who i am! i haven't stopped listening to the wicked soundtrack since i got it. haha. (listening to it as i type ;)) soo, my word of advice is...if youre thinking about what broadway show you'd like to see, see WICKED!! 

i am also going to see The Lion King Jan.10 and Sister Act Feb.14. i also plan on seeing billy eliot before its last showing on jan 8th!! ill be spending a lot of money of that ticket, but im sure i wont regret it! :):):) 

i shall keep you guys posted on how my dream chasing continues to go :) which of course will be FABULOUS! (remember what i told y'all fabulous meant right? ;)) just remember to do what your heart tells you to do! don't worry about what people think or your doubts!! if your heart is in it!? thats all you need!!!!! PUSH! FIGHT! go out an LIVE YOUR DREAM! its possible, and i will be doing nothing less!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

auditions over..waiting BLOWS!

well, my AMDA audition was yesterday! 
time FLIES! i had a countdown on my phone for that day to come for the longest! 
to look at my phone and see that it says "1 day AFTER" is like HUH?! haha. so surreal!

so, you're wondering how it went huh!? well - one thing i cannot stress enough is GOD IS GOOD! 
where would i be without JESUS!? i don't know. he kept me SANE yesterday! 
as you all may know, i was stressed and worried about my auditions all week!!
i went to sleep friday night at PEACE and woke up saturday morning at PEACE! of course i got nervous, of course i was anxious in the back on my human brain! but i know that Jesus took over an gave me the serenity i needed! i sang the heck out of my song and did a fabulous job on my monologue! of course there is always time for improvement, and i did mess up on both of them, BUT obviously not enough to make me cry or make me stressed because i serve an amazing God!
He is holding me together! after i did my song and monologue i had to do an interview. the interview was the easiest part! i had a great guy, and it was just like regular conversation! if you know me, you know i love to talk about my passions and my experiences, so getting to do that to potentially get into a school was loads of fun. not much pressure at all!!

we then spoke about the intensity of the program at AMDA. that it will NOT be easy
and that we WILL get worked hard. oddly enough, the hard work is what i am looking forward to!
i want to be stretched and pulled WAY out of my comfort zone! how else does growth happen!?

thank you ALL so much for your prayers and support! all saturday morning i felt nothing but your love, prayers and faith in me! that i could do it! i know that the Lord used all of you positives out there to give me the extra push and comfort that i needed, so i truly thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for being so supportive! 

so all i need now are your guys' continuous prayers for my faith to stay strong. don't worry, as SOON as i find out the answer i will let you all know! they say i will find out in two weeks, which is around christmas time. so, seems like ill be getting the best christmas gift ever eh!? :) 

elizabeth gabrielle *

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

first post! :)

hello all you lovely people! i have not blogged since the xanga days! ahhhh!
but this is exciting, i missed blogging. i have a lot to say! especially concerning my career!
so this blog is going to be kind of life a pre-fan page...for all the people that have a similar dream, or any dream in general. dream chasers. or for the dreamers that are afraid to chase their dreams. who would rather stay in the box! also for those who know me, and love me, and believe in me. who realize that i will do all that i must to make it! :) this blog, is for you!

as you all can see i named my blog the FABULOUS road toward my tony... i am aware that at all times it will not be easy. and that at all times it wont be fun. so why would i use the word fabulous? well, fabulous is one of my fave words ever! i jut believe that i am a fabulous person! and im not conceited, just Godly confident! something that someone used to say about me in high school which i have turned into my "slogan" is "...she's so fab, she sweats glitter!" i LOVE glitter, and i love all things shiny. :) BUT, thats besides the point.
when i was putting this blog together i was thinking about what word i should use to describe the road that will be leading toward my tony. and i thought about fabulous because its one of my favourite words, so i decided to acutally look up the definition. heres what came up:

1. elizabeth gabrielle caesar
(ha! lol, yes i know i'm a loser)

2. almost impossible to believe; incredible.
this definition stuck out to me the most! i really got to excited because i have never looked at fabulous to have a meaning such at this. i know that working to be on broadway is going to be difficult. i know that its not going to be easy peasy lemon squeasy! and before i even think about broadway i have to get into AMDA! (a school sent from heaven) but i feel like with Jesus on my side i can accomplish anything! because i know this is true, i have faith that he will open doors for me! and that it will be so amazingly spectacular that it will be almost impossible to believe! :):):)!!! i cant wait to see what the future holds!

okay first things first. i have my audition for AMDA (american musical and dramatic academy) on this coming saturday. at 9am! ahhh! i am THRILLED! and nervous, and scared, and EXCITED!! and anxious, and wish it was over already and SUPER STOKED!!! lolol. but most importantly of off these i am READY!! :) buuuut, im having a lil bit of a hard time having the faith that i had the past couple weeks this week! all the months leading up to this week i was soooo pumped! ready for this moment to come, all i wanted to do was audition! i just KNEW i was going to get in because of things the Lord has promised me, but now, now that the moment is actually here?? im doubting, which i know is no bueno! the devil is a liar and i'm letting him get the best of my emotions! so thats where you guys come in! i need you all  to pray for my faith and my strength! that my audition will go well!  and not only that, but that i will get in with a full scholarship! aoooww. its very possible. and when it happens it will be FABULOUS! ahhh you caught how u used that word ;) Jesus can do the IMPOSSIBLE! so lets make it happen people! prayer WORKS! :)