Wednesday, January 25, 2012

patience is HARD!

having patience is harder then i thought!!! i'm more on top of my game with this school then i have been with anything else! so i currently have nothing left to do till i start. every time mail comes, i hope its from AMDA so i can have something to do! or an email, or a phone call! anything! i mean yes, im practicing my sight singing, and going over my monologue and song...but its just not enough! i need people. direction. coaching. growth. community. i need to be blooming! i need constant progression to be my life! i want to improve every. single. day!! if i improve 1% each day - by the end of the 365% better! so imagine what will happen when i improve more than that a day!? BEASTY! i'm ready for that title. im ready for the work its going to take to get there. and when it happens? it will be GLORIOUS! i believe so much in myself im amazing myself! i know where im at, and i know where i want and need to be. and i know that when i get there, i'll have the next goal to reach! there is NO such thing, as being your best. of course you can always GIVE your best - but remember,  constantly giving your best will just cause you to get better. &thats where i'm headed. 100% in all and everything i do. no half-stepping. no matter how tired | how sore | how sick | how annoyed  or how frustrated - my 100% will go toward my craft. reaching my goal. and LIVING MY DREAM. 

nothing can hold me back.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

hey lovies!

yikes. i have been slacking on this blog my dears! i know you've been DYING to hear from me =P

i have been doing well! i was really stressed the past two weeks trying to get all of the papers and information in that i had to, to confirm my spot in AMDA! as of today!? i'm set! its all taken care of and the rest is in the Lord's hands! so now my faith is being put to the test, once again! praying i keep it up! i will because Jesus has been too faithful to doubt him now! i am still amazed that i'm going to this school! my dream is coming to pass right in front of my face! slowly, but SURELY! so. uh. may. zing.! :) 

yesterday i went to go see THE LION KING on Broadway. oh my my MY!! first off, my seats were spectacular! secondly, my family, we're all disney fanatics! so the lion king already has a place is my heart. as well as Broadway! so it was like my two favourite things were merging, and it was nothing but pure amazingness. everything i had dreamed it would be! you HAVE to see it! just added MORE determination on top of what i already have! i try and find myself in each play that i see. my goal is to find at least one role i can play. and i surely found two i can see myself doing. so. i have more roles to chase now! stoked!! lets do this! i'm ready for my life to begin!!

Eliza Brielle* 

Monday, January 2, 2012

THE NEW YEAR: the preparation.


welp. now that the reality of my acceptance has sorta kinda sunk in, time to prepare for the first major step of my journey! this is SOOOO exciting, overwhelming, stressful, fun, joyful, and confusing alll jumbled up into one feeling. i have NO clue how its possible to feel all those at once, but i've done it! 
tomorrow i am going to make all the calls i must to clear everything up in my brain, hahaha. i have SO many question but i am sure it will work itself out! if it wasnt going to the Lord would not have allowed me to get in! its obvious that this is my calling and what he wants me to do so because of that i have to continue to trust him!

the main issue at this point is keeping the faith that all the money i need to go will come through. we are trying to spend as little money from pocket as possible! and i KNOW that God can do this. i have been applying for all sorts of scholarships and i know that this can happen! i have extreme faith! so i just need to keep pressing on! :) i need you guys to keep the faith and pray as much as possible as well!! i know you guys helped me while getting in to i know you can help me again!

i simply cannot WAIT for this journey to start, i wish it was starting tomorrow! haha. no joke. watch out now! once at start at this school there will be NO STOPPING ME! this training will get me where i need to be! so as i wish you all the best, i pray that you wish me the best! 
a friend of mine said "I humble myself fore I need not speak my greatness when the people speak it for me" - Hakim Sharif Ahmad  - and i want to truly thank all of you for being so supportive of me, and believing in me. i wouldn't be here without my fans! (LOL hahaha!) the few that i have. ;) 
later y'all