Sunday, February 12, 2012

the moment of TRUTH.

its been a while y'all. my bad. 
i start at AMDA this week. i move in on thursday. i meet my roommate! yeah! 
placement tests are on friday, morning! singing/acting/dancing :)
i am absolutely positively THRILLED!
i am absolutely positively NERVOUS as well! now that the moment on truth has come?!
waayyyy too many emotions! but. i've come this far!
what is this but another circumstance for me to overcome? :)
so to overcome is my goal.  and ill meet that goal! pretty darn soon at that!
i am going to rock this school. i'm giving everything i have within me!
and Jesus is within me so #BEPREPARED! 
i'm coming out of this an unstoppable BEAST.
expect to see me in shows that you wouldn't expect. because Jesus can do that. 
and that's just the way it is.....with that being said...

this is the week where it all begins. 
i don't know who is reading my blogs. 
i don't know who cares if i make it to Broadway.
i don't know who cares if i follow my heart and live my dreams. 
i don't know who is shooting me down behind closed doors. 
i don't know who is supportive of my career choice.
i don't know who truly and faithfully believes in me, for SURE - with their ENTIRE heart.
what i do know - is i believe in me.  and i care if i make it to Broadway.
and i believe in me more than i think anyone possibly can. 
yes, i doubt myself at times. i forget my level of awesomeness now, and that from this point on
all i can do is improve. THAT is IT. growth, and only that. 
i know that being where i am now, and the simple fact that i will be in the best college for my career 
for the next 8 semesters, can only mean the best.
i know that this is what i live for. 
i know that live and breathe and eat and dream and taste Musical Theatre. 
every day of my life. its what i do. Broadway is awaiting me, with open arms
i will not let down such an invitation. 
i know that someone with a drive as such. and talent as such. would not be created as such,
if Broadway were not awaiting them: the HEART of Musical Theatre. 

all i'm going to say is... #beprepared ;)