Monday, March 12, 2012


wowww. amazing how time flies. the first week went by SO slow it felt like i would be at this school forever. the past 2 weeks have gone by so fast i don't even think my time here will feel long! but i am STILL amazed i'm here. i made it to this school! i made it this far! so i am working my beeeehind off while im here, i will continue to do so until i get to were i want to be. and even then i'll work hard! this career was not made for slackers! and its good to be surrounded by hardworkers here, and also by the slackers! so you can see the difference it makes in you, your teachers, your classmates. i mean - im paying wayy to much money, putting wayy too much time, and have wayyyy to strong of a passion for me to let my time here at this school just be...... another school?! PSHH. i worked by butt off to get here and i will workk my butt off to grow as an artist.

teachers treat us like we're in the business already, which technically, we are. (just at the verrrrry bottom  at the moment 0_0 lol) they let us know that acting/singing/dancing is no longer our hobbies but our careers. and that is something i took seriously. this isnt a game! if you dont do what your supposed to at work, you will get fired! and thats the same deal here if you dont do what you must here - you will NOT be able to stay here, and if you dont learn quickly, you will most likely not make it in this business. 

i've already learned so much! and this is just the beginning! going into week 4. its hard! Jesus allowed me to get accepted here, &he knows what he's doing and he knows what i can handle. but. its a cold world man. so carnal. and i'm trying to be the light in the midst of it all. it's so hard not to be dim - but, i am doing my best to stand out in the middle of all this black. there WILL BE NO grey. keep me in your prayers y'all. the Lord is faithful. my future looks like a reaaaaal bright one :D

eliza brielle*