Thursday, February 23, 2012


wow. i'm here. at AMDA. this is real. this is my life. i am living a dream. 
for as long as i can remember - i've always wanted to go to a school that is 100% music & arts all the time! its great. no matter where you are you hear some form of music! and amazing good music at that! from all sorts of plays - that i will be a part of some day! absolutely amazing! i adore this career as you all know. there is nothing like it! and being here is just making me want it more! 

its so much work. already. my first week, not even finished yet - and i am already swamped with work! BUT - this is not me complaining in the SLIGHTEST! because i love it! hard work pays off. and because of all this work, i will come out a beast. which is the plan, remember! i'm surrounded by people 5x better than i am, and people not half as good as i am. but we all made it. we are all here. and now its up to US. to take this work, and USE IT to our advantage, being here at AMDA isnt good enough. just being here wont get you on Broadway. 

you have to apply yourself. you have to give every little thing you have within you to this. you have to allow yourself to be submerged in this work. eat, breathe, sleep, drink, LIVE this! if you do not live it you wont get there! so what do you all think i am doing? im LIVING this!! eating it, breathing it, sleeping it, drinking this!!! and nothing ever tasted so good. i am awre that this is only the beginning. and there is much much much more hard work to come. but hey - without the hard work id be at a stand still. and as ive said in previous blogs - that is something that can NEVER happen. nothing but growth from here on! 1% a day remember?! so letts goooo!

keep me in your prayers! its challenging. oh so challenging. my faith is constantly being tried. more than ever. but the Lord allowed me to go here, he gave me talent enough to get here. and because of that i know that i will make it through! he freakinnn rocks! this is indeed a FABULOUS journey. (lets not forget what that word means! ;) blog #1!!) 

Eliza Brielle*