Tuesday, December 27, 2011

guesss whaatttt?!!! :)!!

got the call from them today!! I'M IN!!!! :D

how sick is my life?! Jesus ROCKS! as you guys know, i was expecting it, buut at the same time i was on and off with my faith! today was a really hard day for me because i was doubting EXTRA HARD! doing my best to keep the faith! and look what happened! the Lord came through!! HE is more than faithful!

i was with my brother walking through the mall when the call came, i saw that 212 number and i went into an empty store and almost lost it! haha! i was sooo HAPPY! about to start shouting, crying, doing laps, LOL - the MOST! the things they said the admissions director and adjudicator thought about my audition and my file just confirmed that this is where i am supposed to be! i am READY to take this on full force! i know that it wont be easy - but it WILL be WELL WORTH IT! 

this is only the beginning!! as my blog says its from AMDA to Broadway, and Broadway to my Tony! i made The American Musical and Dramatic Academy - (that just sounds like it was made for me don't it?!) and i cant wait to take it on will full force as it prepares me for my future! this is my calling. what i was MADE and BUILT to do! you WILL see me on Broadway! expect nothing less! Jesus is on my side! i wont let him down! BEAST MODE! lets gooo!